Excel Bible for Beginners: Microsoft Excel Book Containing the Best Excel Tools, Tips and Shortcuts you Need to Know

Excel Bible for Beginners: Microsoft Excel Book Containing the Best Excel Tools, Tips and Shortcuts you Need to Know book cover by Harjit Suman
Editions:Paperback: £ 8.99
Size: 15.24 x 22.86 cm
Pages: 144
Kindle: £ 2.99
Pages: 164

★★★ WORK SMARTER, SAVE TIME and become MORE PRODUCTIVE by learning the best tools, Excel formulas and functions, hidden features and shortcuts in this Excel for dummies guide ★★★

“One of the best Excel books in the market place.” – Karol Siemer, US Amazon Reviewer (5/5 stars)

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful application and many organisations around the world use it to produce reports, analyse data and create charts. However, there are powerful Excel tools and features that many people who use Excel are not aware of. This can mean the tasks that they undertake can take longer than planned which leads to missed deadlines and ultimately increases stress levels. In Excel Bible for Beginners: Microsoft Excel Book Containing the Best Excel Tools, Tips and Shortcuts you Need to Know, you will learn the best and most powerful tools, Excel formulas and functions and tips to increase your productivity, save time, work smarter and meet deadlines.


This Excel bible is the most comprehensive book yet and after reading this book you can achieve the following:

  • Increase productivity
  • Save valuable time
  • Work smarter
  • Reduce stress
  • Create less workload
  • Drive efficiency
  • Save money
  • Get a promotion
  • Give you a pay rise


So how will this book help you to achieve the above benefits? Below are some of the topics this Excel for dummies guide will cover:

  • How to hide specific text in a worksheet
  • How to quickly insert multiple rows using shortcut keys
  • How to quickly shift between lots of open Excel windows
  • How to repeat your last actions using just one keystroke
  • How to get quick access to your favourite command buttons
  • How to use the Camera tool
  • How to quickly remove duplicate entries using the Advanced Filter tool
  • How to quickly split text in one cell into multiple columns
  • How to quickly format dates from US to UK format and vice versa
  • How to make Excel speak back at you
  • How to automatically populate data
  • How to change data from column format to row format and vice versa
  • How to make your worksheets very hidden
  • How to analyse large datasets using Pivot Tables
  • How to create two-way lookups
  • How to access hidden features that are not available in the ribbon
  • How to use some Excel formulas and functions to manipulate data quickly
  • And much more!


This book is aimed at people who:

  • Have beginners knowledge of Excel and would like to become more efficient in it
  • Are intermediate Excel users and would like to move to the next level
  • Would like to save time and effort in their spreadsheets and boost productivity
  • Want to learn some of the hidden features of Excel that are not easily accessible in the ribbon
  • Would like to manipulate and dissect their datasets more efficiently
  • Are more experienced in Excel but would like to get more out of it
  • Want to get more out of Excel


Excel Bible for Beginners: Microsoft Excel Book Containing the Best Excel Tools, Tips and Shortcuts you Need to Know is the definite Excel book to save you valuable time. It will open your eyes to new tools and hidden features you didn’t think were available which will give you a competitive advantage over others in the workplace. So what are you waiting for?

Reviews:Andrew Richmond on Amazon wrote:

★★★★★ My go to excel book

This really is very good. I used to consider a myself fairly advanced excel user, but this book has taught me things I thought I thought I knew. Really useful to have on hand at work. My wife has far better excel “skills”, but she still uses this. Excellent!

Wizzy B on Amazon wrote:

★★★★★ Easy to use

I find this book easy to follow.

Mr P Singh on Amazon wrote:

★★★★★ Great book!

Well presented and easy to read. It is full of useful knowledge. The author clearly knows a lot about the subject.

Philip Stevenson on Amazon wrote:

Comes in use so much at work, well written and a masterclass in time saving.

David Gulliver on Amazon wrote:

★★★★★ Work smarter with excel with this book

Another great book from this author clearly knows his stuff when it’s comes to excel. Highly recommend this book

Rav on Amazon wrote:

★★★★★ A must for all Excel users!!

This is going to help me so much...i am hopeless with excel but this step by step guides going to really bring my game up to standard!!! Must have if you're a beginner on excel!!

Lee Mach on Amazon wrote:

★★★★★ Helpful hints and tips

Great for even a fresh up read.

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