Microsoft Excel 365 Book for Beginners: The Ultimate Excel User Guide Book to Transform Novices to Excel Wizards in just 7 Days


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Do you want to save time at work, land that dream promotion or increase your pay without feeling overworked? Do you wish to increase productivity and make your life easier at work? Do you want to unleash the full potential of Excel?

If so, then this Microsoft Excel for dummies book will help you achieve all your goals and more!

Microsoft Excel is a huge software application with lots of features and tools to master. This means learning Excel can seem daunting and stressful for many people. Maybe, you feel you don’t have the time or energy to learn Excel?

Do you feel like this?

If so, don’t worry. This Excel bible will teach you everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel. It includes easy step by step instructions and lots of screenshots for each instruction. This Microsoft Excel book cuts out all the fluff and gets straight to the point so you can master Excel from scratch in just 15 days! It focuses on Excel 365 which is the latest Excel application.



Here are just some of the things you will learn from this Microsoft Excel for dummies book:

  • How to open, save and close workbooks
  • How to populate data quickly and increase productivity using the Flash Fill tool
  • How to add your favourite tools to the Quick Access Toolbar for easy access
  • How to do basic and advanced filtering to view and focus on the information you only want to see
  • How to split text in a cell using the Text to Columns tool
  • How to remove duplicate entries in a dataset to get unique values
  • How to change alignment and orientation of text to format your worksheet better
  • How to use the Text to Speech tool for data entry
  • How to create, edit and copy formulas
  • How to create advanced formulas using absolute and relative cell references
  • How to create and format charts to visualise and interpret your dataset
  • How to create Excel tables to make your dataset easier to manage
  • And much more!

This Microsoft guide book for dummies also comes with a bonus chapter which includes 82 of the best shortcut keys you must know to improve your speed and productivity in Excel. This includes shortcut keys for moving around the worksheet, formatting cells and text, inserting objects, pictures, rows and columns, as well as for Excel functions to create formulas.



By the time you have finished reading this Excel beginners book you will have mastered Excel and taken your skills to the next level.

This Excel for dummies book will:

  • Save you time at work
  • Increase your productivity and efficiency
  • Make your job easier and reduce stress at work
  • Help you get a promotion
  • Increase your salary
  • Help you automate your spreadsheets, so you spend less time doing manual work
  • Improve your data analysis skills
  • Help you design your worksheets better
  • Help you organise your dataset better
  • Enable you to become indispensable in the workplace
  • Help you spend less time doing what you hate and more time doing what you love

These are just some of the benefits you will get from buying this Microsoft Excel book. This is a very comprehensive Excel book and contains over 260 pages of jammed packed knowledge and information. Now is the time to improve your Excel skills and become a pro.

So, what are you waiting for?

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button and start mastering Excel!

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